
Sunday, August 26, 2018

Review: The 80/20 Principle

The 80/20 Principle: The Secret to Achieving More with LessThe 80/20 Principle: The Secret to Achieving More with Less by Richard Koch
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

80/20 principle (20% of effort gives 80% of success, 20% of problems cause 80% of grief, 20% of clients bring 80% of profit etc) is very powerful in itself. Its power lies in its simplicity and potentially ubiquitous application in business, personal life, investment, studying - anywhere really.

The book brings some thought-provoking examples of 80/20 principle in action. However, it is very repetitive and often quite superficial. Its instructive style (do this in your life and happiness will come) is also quite annoying.

300-350 pages of the book could well be substituted by a longer article.

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