
The report shows that by far not. Although not 1:1, there is a very clear evidence of correlation of prosperity of the nation and its ability to close the gap between men and women.
I have recently spoken to one smart Norwegian businessman/traveller/anthropologist (he has probably visited over 100 countries during his life) in his 50s. He said he did not believe the society was able to advance very much on the long run if women were not given opportunity to influence events there. Indeed, women save by nature - social welfare, state harmony, social security - all that is rather typical for females. Conquest, competition and risk - those are words rather typical for men. As one my male friend from Latvia put it in a straightforward way: while women care about agreement and harmony, men simply put their d***s on the tables and start to compare their size.
All in all, it is not that black and white, but I am a firm believer that no society will ever achieve a peace and harmony within itself and with the others unless women there are given opportunity to fully participate in the social, economic and political life of the country.
Interesting: Estonia has 37th rank, Kazakhstan 45th and Croatia 46th rank among 130 countries which have been assessed. Croatia dropped dramatically (I wonder where this drop is coming from?). Kazakhstan scores almost the best in this list among the countries with predominantly Muslim population, which is yet another example of how big potential this country has if things will be led in the right direction.
Also, the connection between the situation on women in muslim countries and the overall welfare and well-being of those countries requires some thought...
It is said that a team is only as good as its weakest link is. Similarily, I do not believe that any society that is demeaning some of its members, could ever succeed.
Cannot agree more with you...
I love read your post, and you have nice blog, I will back here again
Your post communicates your ignorance about the world. Having lived in the muslim world for quite some time I can confidently say you are only scratching the surface and making conclusions based on the fear and false information that media promotes.
On another note, I strongly belive in the power of women. I have once written a post about how women rules too: http://peeplaja.blogspot.com/2006/05/women-rule.html
Peep, I understand you point, but the phrase "the connection between the situation on women in muslim countries and the overall welfare and well-being of those countries requires some thought" does not hint that there is something inherently bad in Muslim societies.
What Carry probably wants to say is that certain Muslim societies may not have very good social welfare system in place. But it is not only the case of these countries. Catholic Italy or Orthodox Serbia none could compare to society like Norway in terms of equality, overall well-being (not only financial!) and, to certain degree, harmony.
And I am quite confident that it is very much due to active participation of women in Scandinavian social, business and political life.
Carry also wants to say that "the situation of women in muslim countries" is rather a fact than a mere depiction of the ignorance of me or anyone else.
After all, communist leaders in North Korea also seem to be thinking that everything is ok with their people...
Did enjoy your post at the link, though =)
Oh, and last but not least, I have also spent some time in the muslim world, have been married to a muslim man who is still one of my best friends and respected a lot by myself and others. It is not thanks to him that I don`t develop biased opinions about people according to their race or religion but it IS thanks to him that I know a bit about the inside of the muslim world. Or would you think anyone would say bad and sad things without a reason about the religion they hold so dear and sacred...?
Also to Peep - maybe it is you that is scratching the surface? ;) I believe it is called being blindfolded or in some certain lovely language "pink sunglasses".
Pace! =)
(In order to avoid future accusations, I just want to point out that I am not illiterate, I simply wrote it in Italian =) )
Deniss, sa oled võrratu!!!!!!!!!!!!
Love u for that!
Pole ammu su blogi saanud aega külastada, aga ma ei pidanud pettuma-sama hea kui enne!!!
Elad nüüd Norras?!
See oli mulle suur uudis!
Minu suur uudis sulle oleks vast see, et olen 9 kuuse poja ema.
Your friend was too right that
"while women care about agreement and harmony, men simply put their d***s on the tables and start to compare their size."
All my life long i have tried to proove the opposite,.....but
it has to always end up the opposite way...!!! :) :) :)
much love,
Hei Siiri,
Rõõm kuulda sinult! Ja need on tõesti head uudised :)
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