
Tuesday, September 27, 2005

I am in paradise! / Ma olen paradiisis!

What is the paradise? What does it mean to be in paradise? I got an answer to those questions after arrival in Split.

Split is second largest city in Croatia which is situated on the coast of Adriatic sea. It is the capital of Dalmatia (Croatian coastline district). Dalmatia and its beautiful beaches, diverse islands, well preserved old towns and mild warm climate attract many tourists from all around the world. Croatia got a title as "Lonely Planet Destination No. 1 in 2005". And now I understand why.

The most southern point that I have ever been to before that trip was Munich (Mynchen) in Southern Germany. But here I got the feeling of real Southern Europe! It is amazing for me to see palm-trees growing on the streets and in the gardens of people. Amazing is to see the light blue-green colour of the water in the sea. Amazing is the fact that today is 27th of September, but I am sweating in the t-shirt and will go to the sea to swim in couple of hours.

About 300 meters away from my dorms, where I am staying, is the seacoast. There are plenty of bigger and smaller islands near Split, therefore one can get a breathtaking view on the mountainous islands around Split.

It is strange to feel that my real summer has started just in Slovenia in the middle of September and got to its highlights just in Split in 20ths of September. There was too much work in July and August in Berlin to get a real summer feeling probably.

Split is also very interesting because of its history and architecture. It is 1700 years old and its old part has its roots in Ancient Rome. It is considered as one of the best preserved Ancient Rome towns. The old part is under protection of UNESCO. It is great feeling to see 1500-1600 years old stone houses which are still inhabited. It is amazing to walk on the one-meter-broad streets where the others walked also a thousand years ago.

What do I do here? I am staying in Split for about 4 months till the end of January. I will be working in AIESEC Split Executive Board and will be responsible for promotion and recruitment of local students and graduates who want to go for a traineeship abroad. For Aiesecars - I am doing CEED as VPOGX here. This is an interesting challenge because Split has lot of potential, but they just sent 2 people abroad last year (whereas they accepted about 14).

I came to Split from Zagreb, a capital of Croatia, where Is pent three days. Although being an interesting city, Zagreb does not differentiate in my opinion from many other Central European big cities that I have been to before. A very interesting experience was to feel difference in landscape and climate in different parts of Croatia. When I entered the bus in Zagreb, it was around 12 degrees, rainy and grey. When I arrived in Split, it was 25 degrees outside and completely sunny!

I went to the island Brac next to Split on my first weekend here. It has around 14.000 inhabitants altogether. I could walk around 25 kilometres a day on this island. Because everything was just so nice! :) I am going to upload the pictures from there soon.
You wonder where exactly Split is? / Ka su vanaisa ei tea tapselt, kus asub Split?
[EST] Mis on paradiis? Mis tahendab olla paradiisis? Sain vastuse nendele kysimustele tulles Spliti.

Split on suuruselt teine linn Horvaatias, mis asub Aadria mere rannikul. See on yhtlasi Dalmaatsia (Horvaatia rannikuosa) pealinn. Dalmaatsia oma kaunite randade, mitmekesiste saarte, hasti sailinud vanade linnade ja pehme sooja kliimaga meelitab paljusid turiste kogu maailmast. Horvaatia sai tiitli "Lonely Planet Destination No. 1 in 2005". Ja ma sain aru misparast.

Enne seda reisi oli k6ige l6napoolsem punkt, kuhu ma olen j6udnud, Mynhen. Siin sain tunda t6elist L6una-Euroopat! Imeline on naha palme, mis kasvavad tanavatel ja inimeste aedades. Imeline on naha merd rohelis-sinise veega (parast seda ei saa ma Laanemere vee varvi mitte kuidagi teisiti kui halliks nimetada). Imeline on see, et tana on 27. september ja ma higistan t-sargis ning paari tunni parast lahen meres ujuma.

Umbes 300 meetri kaugusel mu yhiselamust on mererand. Ja kuna Spliti lahedal on palju vaiksemaid ja suuremaid saari, siis Splitist avaneb kaunis vaade lahedal asuvatele magistele saartele.

Imelik on tunda, et mu t6eline suvi algas alles Sloveenias septembri keskpaiku j6udes oma tippu Splitis septembri 20-tel kuupaevadel. Berliinis oli liiga palju tood t6elise suvise tunde tekkimiseks.

Split on aarmiselt huvitav ka oma ajaloo ja arhitektuuri parast. See on 1700 aastat vana ning vanalinn parineb Vana-Rooma aegadest. Seda peetakse Vana-Rooma ajast yheks k6ige paremini sailinuks linnaks ning kesklinn on UNESCO kaitse all. Vaatepilt vanalinnas on muiudugi kirjeldamatu. Umbes 1500-1600 aasta vanused kivised majakesed, kus siimaani elatakse ja ligi meetrilaiused tanavad, kus kaidi ka tuhat aastat tagasi - see k6ik on vaga v6imas.

Mida ma siis siin teen? Jaan Spliti ligikaudu 4 kuuks kuni jaanuari l6puni. Selle 4 kuu jooksul tootan AIESEC Spliti juhatuses, kus hakkan korraldama AIESECi promot kohalike tudengite jaoks eesmargiga neid AIESECi praktikale valismaale saata (ehk teen sama tood, mis Tartu AIESECis). Aiesecarite jaoks - olen CEEDil ning tootan VPOGXina. See on huvitav valjakutse, sest Splitil on kindlasti potentsiaali, kuid eelmisel aastal saatsid nad valismaale vaid 2 inimest (samal ajal kui v6tsid vastu ligi 14).

Spliti tulin Horvaatia pealinnast Zagrebist, kus veetsin kolm paeva. Kuigi huvitav linn, ei erine Zagreb minu jaoks paljudest teistest Kesk-Euroopa suurlinnadest, mida olen seni nainud. Kirjeldamatu tunne oli mul kui sain tunda, kuiv6rd mitmekesine on Horvaatia maastik ja kliima. Kui istusin Zagrebis bussi, oli valjas umbes 12 kraadi sooja, vihmane ja hall. Kui valjusin bussist (s6it kestis 4,5 tundi), paistis paike ja sooja oli ligi 25 kraadi!

Mu esimesel nadalavahetusel olen j6udnud ara kaia Spliti lahedal asuval saarel Brac, kus kokku elab ligi 14.000 inimest. Sellel saarel k6ndisin umbes 25 kilomeetrit paevas. Sest k6ik on nii ilus! :)

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