I am going to be popular among students in Estonia and in Kazakhstan. Big posters below will be distributed in universities there. It was nice to be recognized in this way by AIESECers who are organizing new members' recruitment at the moment.
Well, if my face and words would attract to AIESEC at least some proactive and amibitious young people in Estonia and in Kazakhstan, it won't be a waste of colour and paper. My mom will be proud of me anyway ;)
Well, if my face and words would attract to AIESEC at least some proactive and amibitious young people in Estonia and in Kazakhstan, it won't be a waste of colour and paper. My mom will be proud of me anyway ;)

oooo Deniss!! braavo! braavo!
ps. mul tuleb ikka silme ette sinu esimene aieseci kokkusaamine oeconomicumis (special people just stand out from the crowd .. you did! :)
Tru, aitäh heade sõnade eest!
Eks mina peaksin omalt poolt sind tänama - olid ju sina üks nendest inimestest, kes mind alguses inspireerisid ja andsid mõista, et AIESEC on õige koht minu jaoks. Nii et oled paljuski sina süüdlane :)
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