Everyone who has lived abroad for such a long time would probably understand my feelings right now.
Deep sadness, because you are not sure, when you will see all these people again and whether you will experience moments at least a little bit similar to what you have experienced here...
Great happiness, because you will finally see your close people again...
Worries, whether you have said good-bye to everyone you wanted, whether you have finished everything you needed...
Hopes for your new period of life, because one has to re-start his life at home after 7 months being abroad...
My situation is even more complicated, because I haven't lived here as many other foreigners. I have noticed that majority of people who live in another country (also AIESEC interns) have relation to local people and local culture like in a zoo - "Look how nice it is! Let's take a picture!". Or "I don't understand those people at all...". Or "They are so funny, so great!"
I tried to behave differently from the very beginning. I started to learn the language, I read books about history and culture of Croatia. I tried to be with local people as much as possible in different social situations. Unlike German culture, Croatians are more reciprocal to the foreigners and it is easier to integrate into local culture. Maybe the fact that I am 3/4 Russian has helped me also - Croatians are Slavic.
Anyway, now I am not leaving just one nice country with interesting people. I am leaving country which embrased me with all its warmness, uniqueness, sometimes crazyness, but always friendliness.
It is hard to leave. It really is. But my dreams move on. So do I.
Today it is about -20 degrees during the day and about -30 degrees during the night in Estonia. I hope that despite such terrifying coldness (Split has +12 and sun right now!) my home-country will embrace its son back and will make me sure that there is nothing better than home.
I will come back to Split. As a tourist or entrepreneur, with family or alone, for 3 days or for 3 years - I am not sure yet. But I will.
I already thanked everyone whom I wanted in Croatia. But it won't be too much to do it again here - "Moj Bože! To je nemoguće! Hvala vam svima! Nikad nisam mogao zamislit da će bit ovako težko otić... Pa dobro, vidimo se uskoro!"
Ma mõistan sind 110%.
Tean seda tunnet, et süda kistakse kaheks kuna rõõm ja kurbus võtavad mõlemad võimust.
See on üks kummalisemaid kogemusi elus, see tekitab lihtsalt hetketi täiesti lühise.
Näeme juba vähem kui nädala pärast, ei jõua ära oodata!!!!!
Kuulsin just uudiseid. PALJU ÕNNE!
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