
Friday, August 12, 2005

The coldest August in the past 100 years / K6ige külmem august viimase 100 aasta jooksul

I met Helena from AIESEC Pärnu yesterday, who came to Berlin for one AIESEC conference. She stayed at my place and we organized small Estonian party, where I invited some other trainees. We drank Estonian wodka, ate Estonian chocolate and everyone seemed to enjoy it. Tomorrow some more Estonians are coming and will bring some food that I miss here in Germany. It is so great to host guests from the homeland! :)

Small party in my dormitory: me, Helena and Berlin trainees / Väike pidu minu juures: mina, Helena ja Berliini praktikandid

The weather sucks here. Today I read from the newspaper that it has been the coldest August in past 100 years in Berlin. One guy from Poland brought from home an autumn-jacket, because it is just too cold. And it is raining constantly. I want to Croatia already.

This Saturday I am organizing a trip to Rostock, where famous Hansa Sail will take place. But the greatest is the fact that 18 people according to today’s stand are joining the trip. 18 trainees from all around the world travelling together in Germany – it is something really great!

There is an important change in my life – I found additional job for me. I work 2-3 evening per week in a restaurant as a waiter. It is a Brasilian restaurant. Both place itself and the food is great there. It is a bit tiresome, as I have to go there straight after my main job and stay there until one o’clock and the next morning go to the main job again. But the fact that I can earn 50-65 euro with one evening with that kind of job seems unbelievable for me as an Eastern European. And I need money to go to Croatia. So it is a good opportunity for me actually.

Story No 6. About smiling and friendliness
There is very much "keep smiling" culture in Germany in comparison to Estonia. I have been thinking, whether it is so good. On one hand it is good, when people are not constantly with dour faces around like in many Estonian shops or other places, but they know about existence of smiles too. And people are generally more friendly here than in Estonia. On the other hand. it is often just fake.

For example my work. Secretaries here have always joyful voices, speak by phone to the people as if they would be their best friends, lovers etc. And when they finish their phone conversation, they say to each other something like: "Ohhh, there was again this senseless talk"... Then I think always that those female colleagues of me presumably speak in absence of me something like: "Ohhh, there was again this stupid foreign trainee"... I hate hypocrisy.

[EST] Eile sain kokku Helenaga AIESEC Pärnust, kes tuli Berliini ühele seminarile. Ta ööbis mu juures ja me korraldasime väikse Eesti peo, kuhu ma kutsusin oma tuttavaid praktikante. J6ime koos Eesti viina, s6ime koos Eesti sokolaadi ja meil oli üldiselt tore olla. Homme tulevad ühed teised tuttavad Eestist, peavad tooma häid asju Eestist (nagu näiteks Tallina Peenleib, sest Saksamaal head musta leiba ei eksisteeri). Nii hea meel on vastu v6tta külalisu kodumaalt :)

Ilm sakib siin täiega, teist väljendit ei oskagi selle jaoks leida. Lugesin täna ajalehest, et tänavu on k6ige külmem august viimase 100 aasta jooksul. Tuttav Poola praktikant tellis kodust sügisjope, sest liiga külm on. Sajab ka pidevalt. Ülehomseks lubati aga koguni 21 kraadi sooja! Uskumatu. Tahan Horvaatiasse juba.

Sel laupäeval korraldan ühe reisi Rostocki, kus toimub kuulus regatt. K6ige lahedam on selle juures aga see, et meid tuleb sinna praeguse seisuga 18 inimest. 18 praktikanti k6iksugustest maailmariikidest koos Saksamaal reisimas – see on midagi t6esti väga lahedat.

Oluline muutus mu igapäevaelus – leidsin endale lisatööd. Töötan nüüd 2-3 6htut nädalas restoranis kelnerina. See on Brasiilia restoran, väga ilus koht ja toidud on super. See on natuke väsitav, sest pean sinna minema otse mu esimeselt töökohalt ja jään sinna kuni kella üheni ja järgmisel hommikul uuesti esimesele tööle. Aga minu kui ida-eurooplase jaoks tundub see fakt, et saan kelnerina 50-65 eurot ühe 6htuga teenida, ikkagi uskumatu. Ja ma vajan raha, et Horvaatisse minna. Nii et hea v6imlaus tegelikult.
Me in the restaurant, where I work in the evenings / Mina restoranis, kus ma töötan 6htuti

Lugu nr. 6. Naeratusest ja s6bralikkusest

Saksamaal on erinevalt Eestist palju "keep smiling’ut". Ma olen m6tisklenud, kas see on ikka hea. Ühelt poolt on ju tore, kui inimesed ei ole mornide nägudega nagu paljudes Eesti poodides v6i muudes kohtades, vaid teavad naeratuse olemasolust ka. Ja inimesed on üldiselt natuke s6bralikumad siin kui Eestis. Samas on see tihtipeale ikkagi väga v6lts. Näiteks kui ma ostan asju supermarketist ja lähen maksma, ütleb mulle müüja muidugi alati "Tere!", "Aitäh!" jne. Aga ta ütleb mulle "Nägemist" juba siis kui ta mulle tsekki ulatab ehk enne seda, kui ma päriselt ära lähen, sest ma pean ostetud asju ka kotti panna.

V6i minu töö juures. Siinsed sekretärid on ülir66msate häältega telefonis, räägivad teistega justkui oleksid need nende parimad s6brad, armukesed vms. Kui nad telefonitoru aga hargile panevad, räägivad omavahel umbes taolist juttu – "Ohhh, jälle oli üks m6ttetu jutt"... Siis m6tlen alati, et täiesti vabalt v6ivad need naiskolleegid, kes on muidu väga s6bralikud mu vastu, minu äraolekul rääkida midagi sellist – "Ohh, jälle see m6ttetu välispraktikant"... Vihkan silmakirjalikkust.

Friday, August 05, 2005

TOP 5 most surprising facts about Estonia for the foreigners / TOP 5 faktidest Eesti kohta, mis üllatavad välismaalasi

Now there is around 40 more people in the world who know how great is my small country called Estonia :) I did a country-presentation for local AIESEC members and other foreign trainees. I showed a nice PowerPoint, played music from Estonia, we drank some Estonian beverages, ate Estonian chocolate and everyone seemed to enjoy the evening. Me too, as I like to talk about Estonia. Do you want to know TOP5 of facts about Estonia which are most surprising for foreigners (maybe for you too) :)

#1 The highest point of Estonia is 318 meters. The best reaction I got to it: "It is like a swamp!"

#2 There are white nights in Estonia. This seems to be unbelievable for people from the South that there are nights in June-July, when there is never getting completely dark.

#3 Estonian girls are sooooo beautiful! Some of the people who have been to Estonia and others who took a look on my photos with some female friends, were surprised about how nice they are. I should agree ;)

#4 Internet-phone Skype was originally created in Estonia. This and other facts like e-government, e-elections and other wide-spread advancements in technology are surprising for foreigners.

#5 There are 1,4 Million inhabitants in Estonia. Typical reaction: "But it is 3/4/6/10 times less than in my city!" Yes we are little :)

One of the biggest surprises for me was to hear from the Southern foreigners (I go out here a lot with people from Greece, Turkey, Arabic countries) something like that: "Deniss, you should know that guy! He looks the same blond like you!" Me and blond?!! In Estonia I am considered to be quite dark - I tried to explain - but nothing helped! :)

"Blond" me in the front of castle in Potsdam / "Blond" mina lossi ees Potsdamis

Last weekend we were to the Nazi concentration camp museum near Berlin. Very interesting, but quite sad place to visit. Nazis killed more than 100.000 people in this single place...

Two of my former classmates from the university stayed at my place this week. They travelled around Europe by hitch-hiking and I offered them to make a stop in Berlin. They agreed and we all were very happy. They - because they got some place to stay
for free. Me - because I was happy to get a visit from some great Estonians. One friend of mine booked two nights at my place for the next week already. And after her one more couple from Estonia is coming. I am functioning like a youth hostel and it is great :)

I won't be telling any stories this week, but you can share my compassion toward misused bicycles in Berlin. For me, a big fan of a bicycle, it has been a very sad picture... You can take a look on the gallery of them and my other newer pictures here:


[EST] Nüüd on maailmas umbes 40 inimese v6rra rohkem, kes teavad, kuiv6rd lahe riik on Eesti :) Ma tegin siin kohaliku AIESECi ja teiste välispraktikantide jaoks presentatsiooni Eestist. Toreda powerpoindi, kena muusika, Viru Valge+6unamahla kokteili ja mu esinemise abil :) Tahate teada, mis on top 5 faktidest Eesti kohta, mis teisi üllatavad?

#1 Eesti k6ige k6rgem koht on 318 meetrit. Parim reaktsioon sellele: "See on ju nagu soo!" Olge uhked, Eesti soo-armastajad!

#2 Eestis on valged ööd. L6unamaalaste jaoks tundub uskumatu, et juunis-juulis on ööd, mil ei lähegi täiesti pimedaks. Olge uhked, Eesti romantikud!

#3 Eestis on niiiiiiii ilusad naised! M6ned meeskodanikest välismaalased on Eestit külastanud ja oli näha, kuiv6rd hakkasid nende silmad särama kui nad rääkisid oma muljetest Tallinna/Tartu ööklubidest. Sama reaktsioon on järgnenud sellele, kui näitasin pilte minust ja mu naissoost tuttavatest-s6pradest Eestis. Olge uhked, Eesti naised :)

#4 Skype'i on välja arendatud Eestis. See ja sellised faktid nagu e-valimised, e-valitsus jne, pakuvad inimestele alati üllatuse. Olge uhked, Eesti tehnokraadid!

#5 Eestis on 1,4 miljonit elanikku. Tüüpiline reaktsioon: "See on ju 4/5/6/10 korda vähem kui mu linnas!". Olge uhked, Eesti maaelu patrioodid!

Ja mind ennast on üllatanud, kui l6unamaade inimesed (ma suhtlen siin palju praktikantidega Kreekast, Türgist, Araabia maade esindajatega jne) ütlevad mulle midagi sellist: "Noh, tead ju seda tüüpi! Tal on sama blondpea nagu sinulgi". Mina ja blond?!!!

Eelmisel nädalavahetusel käisime ekskursioonil endises natsi-konts.laagris. Nüüd on seal muuseum. Huvitav, aga kurb. Ainuüksi selles kohas tapsid natsid ligi 100.000 inimest...
A story of the bicycle in Berlin - the part of my gallery / Berliini jalgratta lugu - mu gallerii osa

Sel nädalal käisid mu juures külas kaks endist kursa6de Eestist - Maarja ja Kadri-Liis! Nad ööbisid mu juures kaks ööd ja mul oli väga hea meel selle üle. Järgmisel nädalal broneeris mu toa veel üks tuttav neiu ja pärast veel üks paar Eestist. "Zum Deniss" hotelli uksed on lahti k6ikide jaoks!

Sel nädalal ei hakka lugusid rääkima, sest tegelikult on praegu reedene 6htu ja k6ik kolleegid on töölt ammu lahkunud ja mina üksi istun kontoris nagu loll, sest varem ei olnudki aega midagi kirjutada.

Huvilised v6ivad aga jagada minu kurbust mahajäetud jalgrataste suhtes (mulle kui jalgratta suure s6bra jaoks on see vaatepilt eriti nukker olnud) siin: Seal saab nautida ka muid värskemaid pilte.