
Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Review: The Road Less Stupid: Advice from the Chairman of the Board

The Road Less Stupid: Advice from the Chairman of the BoardThe Road Less Stupid: Advice from the Chairman of the Board by Keith J. Cunningham
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

It is a book full of advice for business owners / managers. Not many stories, not many examples - just calls for action.

I found many of them useful. One of the cornerstones of the whole book is the concept of "Thinking Time": planning an interrupted time for thinking over important questions that your business is facing. A leader / manager needs to plan time for thinking - otherwise he/she will just be "doing" stuff. I liked that there was a rich menu of questions to pick from - and to ask yourself in one of those "Thinking Time" sessions.

The metaphor of multiple hats that a leader has (Artist, Operator, Owner, Board/Investor) - which he/she can pick in different situations - is also quite interesting. There are many questions in relation to these different "hats" you can ask yourself and challenge your status quo as a manager.

There are also useful tools for risk assessment, strategic options thinking as well as planning in this book. I intend to use at least some of them in practice.

The book is obsessed with focus on a customer - and that is a good thing. As an example of a question to ask yourself: "What has to happen so the customer will say ‘I’d have to be crazy to do business with someone else!’?

Another obsession of the book is on finding a focus, finding a core problem to work upon. Again - simple but invaluable advice that can best be utilised when honestly asking yourself something like "What one meaningful, specific outcome, if I achieved it, would have a significant positive impact on my business?

The book itself is no fun read. It is not difficult, but should probably be taken literally as a manual for action. The author's style is often obnoxious: "Go try yourself. You will thank me later". There were also those numerous annoying references to "bumper stickers" (high-sounding slogans) and "how not to be stupid". Overall, a lot of the theses / questions of this book are rather obvious.

Nevertheless, I am looking forward to go through many of the questions designed for the "Thinking Time" sessions and to reflect on them in relation to the business line I am running - on my own and with our leadership team.

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Review: Метро. Трилогия под одной обложкой

Метро. Трилогия под одной обложкойМетро. Трилогия под одной обложкой by Dmitry Glukhovsky
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Пост-апокалиптическая дистопия о выживших жителях Москвы, укрывшихся в метро. Каждая станция метро - как отдельный городок. Городки объединяются в альянсы, торгуют, воюют, сотрудничают друг с другом и объединяются против общих врагов. Там есть и коммунисты, и фашисты, и воры в законе, и бордели, и фермы, и библиотеки. Все эти образы довольно трафаретные, но история довольно интересная.

Фон - мрачный и посыл книги пессимистичный. В первой книге много мистики, во второй больше экшна, а третья - довольно прямая карикатура на Россиию 2010-х годов. Жизнь в Метро 2033-2035, описанная здесь, показывает гнилую сущность авторитарной власти.