Specification by Example: How Successful Teams Deliver the Right Software by Gojko Adzic
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
A book on how to create and deliver software which is (a) quality; (b) what is needed; (c) not more than needed. One way to achieve that is needs and requirements specification together with clients. In addition, using different examples illustrating what software is supposed to do.
Capturing needs, not scripts - that is probably one of the most important messages from the book.
All in all, there are very good ideas and practices presented (many of them are still ahead of their time), albeit in somewhat preaching mode. Sometimes, the book becomes repetitive - and quotes from different teams often do not add additional value. I would also like to have read more concrete examples - on both requirements as well as the programming code itself. Otherwise, recommended to software analysts, developers and IT managers interested in (improving) software quality.