
Monday, January 31, 2011

My article in - Higher salary is not necessarily good reason for emigrating

Today,, an on-line version of an Estonian weekly, published my opinion article based on my blog post from the past, modified, edited and adjusted. It presents very elementary economic analysis of the situation when two countries have very different levels of average salaries. My argument is that the higher salary abroad is not necessarily a good economic ground for emigrating (yet I don't claim that emigrating is something negative per se).

Tuesday, January 04, 2011

A graduate with a Master's degree!

One of the last memorable moments from the end of 2010 was my graduation ceremony at BI Norwegian School of Management where I pursued my Master's degree for the last two years.

Enlightening books and some very good professors (not all of them) coupled with my interest in a business subject on theoretical level resulted in much better understanding of the area. Academic results were good. I am satisfied with these two years :)

Let's see whether and (and if yes then) when I will enter academia again. Now I am focusing on achieving success in international business and on mastering Norwegian language (along with some projects I am contributing to