I have never been so famous as I am in Split now. :)
AIESEC in Split is organizng EuroCo - big conference with the delegates from all around Europe (http://www.efst.hr/aiesec/euroco2005/). They are stressing on the promotion of AIESEC through this conference. There was traditional Global Village this Monday, where all delegates were representing their countries - food, drinks, booklets etc. The event was happening outside in the very centre of Split on the main square near the sea and it was open to all intreseted people. We had big stage, music and many people participating there.
I had luck to be host of this event - it was interesting experience to be on the stage in front of hundreds of people outside and speak to them.

Besides that fact EuroCo and AIESEC found great promotion in media thanks to good external relations job. And local AIESEC was presenting me as their "foreign specialist from Estonia". I gave interviews to the local radio station, television and newspaper. I pretty much enjoyed to be interviewed, especially after I showed my "amazing" capabilities to speak Croatian (I am learning Croatian now and was trying to speak at elast partly Croatian during the interviews). Hope, I impressed them :)
Nevertheless I must admit that no-one has asked for my signature in the town or wanted to take a picture with me yet :(
This conference is taking palce in small town outside Split (around 60 km from Split) and I have been travelling to the parties of it each evening there and morning back since Monday. Meanwhile I have been working in AIESEC office during the days in Split. Now, while writing this post, I feel quite exhausted after 3-nights long marathon of sleeping 2-3 hours during the night and partying with the foreign delegates. We decided to take a break and not to go there today. But me and my colleagues from AIESEC Split will definetely be kings of the dance floor on Friday and Saturday nights ;)
But as like as parties and fun is just certain part of AIESEC, so is my life here. I have quite big responsibility in my work here - I became main responsible for the recruitment of new members and it means that I have to manage my own team (6 people). It is quite tough sometimes, as I don´t know many simple and banal things - where can I print out something, how can I agree to have room for the meeting, who should be contact person for what etc. But challenges just make you more enthusiastic about what you are doing. Besides it is great to feel that people take you seriously and believe that you can bring real value to them. It is different from when you are going for internship to some company, where you are just a young guy who does not know anything yet.
Are there many possibilities when a 23-years old person comes to the foreign country and is being given big responsibility and his own team? Thanks to AIESEC I have this possibility.
Members of LC Split take me as one among themselves already. Interesting that I deserved love and appreciation of locals thanks to the fact that I have been drinking a lot on the party two weeks ago. One gets nickname "The King" in Split after one gets drunk here. :)
It was pleasant to see again Viljo, Herdis and Liisa who came to this conference as well, to be host for them and show them Split around. And we were swimming in the sea last Sunday (16th of October)!